You just moved to the Olydorf and don’t have a clue what „Frottierwäsche“ means? Don’t panic – some vocabulary you need to survive your first visit to the laundry room:
Deutsch | English | 中文 |
Kochwäsche | boil wash | 用60-90℃水温洗涤的衣物 (纯棉或亚麻床品) |
Buntwäsche | coloured wash | 多色洗涤 |
pflegeleicht | easy-care | 易护理的衣物 |
Feinwäsche | delicates | 纤柔衣物 |
Pumpen | pump out | 排水 |
Schleudern | spin | 脱水 |
Wolle | woollens | 羊毛衣物 |
Dunkle Wäsche | dark garments | 深色衣物 |
Jeans | denim | 牛仔衣物 |
Gardinen | curtains | 窗帘 |
Bettwäsche | bed linen | 床上用品 |
Tischwäsche | table linen | 餐桌用织物制品 |
Frottierwäsche | towels | 毛巾 |
Spezialprogramme | special programmes | 特别程序 |
Start | start | 启动 |
Ende | finish | 结束 |
kalt | cold | 冷水 |
Vorwäsche | pre-wash | 预洗 |
Tür | door | 机门 |